Recommended Courses Skip to main content

Recommended Courses

Undergraduate Course Preparation for the M.S. Degree in MFT at BYU

There are no formal prerequisites to the MFT Program. However, we have compiled a list of potential courses that students and faculty find to be helpful for incoming students.

Most MFT applicants typically have undergraduate degrees in the social sciences, though students from many majors are successful in MFT. Regardless of the major, courses such as those listed below, or equivalents, are helpful preparation (Please note, these courses are not required).

Hyperlinks are related to BYU Course Descriptions, however courses similar to these can be found at most universities and colleges.

Marriage & Family Development and Process

Introduction to Family Processes
Theories in Family Perspective
Cross-Cultural Family and Human Development
Survey of Marriage and Family Enrichment/Therapy Approaches
Human Development: Life Span
Advanced Family Processes

Statistics and Research Methods

Critical Inquiry and Research Methods
Psychological Statistics
Psychological Research Design
Principles of Statistics


Abnormal Psychology
Clinical Psychology

Special Topics

Healthy Sexuality
Research/Creative Works Practicum

Writing Skills

Since the BYU MFT Program requires a thesis/clinical project in addition to weekly research work for your graduate advisor, advanced writing courses are strongly suggested.
Writing in the Social Sciences
Effective Writing and Presenting