MORE: Minority-Oriented Research Evaluation Project Skip to main content

MORE: Minority-Oriented Research Evaluation Project

MORE is a meta-content analysis study evaluating social science scholarship for attention to U. S. ethnic/racial minorities. Designed to document the state of social science disciplines (MFT, Social Work, Counseling Psychology, Child Development, Clinical Psychology, etc.) for their attention to U. S. ethnic/racial minority groups. It is also designed to more fully examine the topics that are being studied among these groups and comparing these to the primary topics being studied for white, majority-culture research samples. Students can get involved in this project by enrolling in SFL 403R/PSYCH 430R during fall or winter semesters. Dr. Bean is always looking to hire “advanced coders” for the project out of those who have taken the course.

Students will gain (a) an understanding of the structure of research articles (esp. methods sections), (b) a proficiency with PsycINFO (primary database for social science research), (c) increased knowledge about qualitative (content analysis) coding methodology, (d) valuable research experience in preparation for graduate school, and (e) mentoring regarding the graduate school application process and the differences between the varying clinical professions.

Research Faculty: Roy Bean