Faculty Interviews Skip to main content

Faculty Interviews

New SFL Professor Aims to Mix Religion and Science - FHSS Website

A highlight on one of our new professors, Dr. Alyssa Banford Witting, by the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences.

Healing after Disaster Strikes the Whole Community - BYU Radio

Dr. Alyssa Banford Wittting recently talked about our reactions to disasters on BYU Radio's Top of MIND with Julie Rose. Her interview begins at 62:08.

Why making Excuses Hurts Your Relationship - I DO Podcast

Dr. Jason Whiting recently appeared on the I DO podcast. Listen to his interview here!

How to Improve Your Marriage - BYU Radio

Dr. Johnson appeared on BYU Radio's Matt Townsend Show to talk about ways to improve your marriage. His interview starts at 60:51.